Thursday 10 December 2015

Battle for the Fungii

Well, for fun this morning I had a small game of oldhammer. Except it was a skirmish so I didn't use regiments. Instead each model counted as it's own unit. It was crazyish but fun. Slowly I am learning the rules!

So, this is how the battlefield looked after deployment. The objective of the game was to capture and hold the massive magic mushrooms in the centre. Both sides wanted them for different reasons. The Slanneshi warband wanted them so that they could get high as the moon and the Nurgle chaps wanted them for a nefarious plague potion?

So, the Slanneshi warband lead by the fearless ogre, Hepplethwaite.

And the Nurgle warband lead by Pestulent Retch, a pestigor.

A few turns in and the battle lines begin to close in on one another.

Hepplethwaite seizes the initiative and charges into two of the plague zombies. A gamble, exposing himself but it was pretty certain he would kill them. He is an ogre, and a level five hero, and they are just little zombies, what could possibly go wrong?

Bing, bam, boom, splat! Two zombies rendered unto toothpaste, albeit a foul tasting one.

Pestulent Retch retaliates and charges Hepplethwaite in the flank, hoping to panic the brute. Two more zombies also add their weight in by occupying the Slanneshi champion's attention with their petty efforts to scratch the paint on his beautiful pink armour.

Meanwhile, in the background you can see two more zombies lurching into a lone beastman. Nothing to worry about. :)

Except when Hepplethwaite promptly panics and flees away from Pestulent Retch, totally grossed out by his suppurating sores. Oh well, sh*t happens. :/\

Oh yes, and they scored a wound in their first free hack.

Meanwhile the beastman eviscerates a zommer!

Having chased Hepplethwaite and failed to catch him or deal him any more free hack wounds, Pestulent is surprise charged by a beastman.

While Hepplethwaite happily continues to run away screaming and crying like a baby, spittle and snot slopping from both his heads.

Aaand, blondy beastman kills another zombie, equaling his champions score. Hmm, maybe he will have to have a quiet word with the ogre about leadership values and about a little challenge-fight, all quiet like out the back, just to determine who the Dark Prince favours more. Wow that was a long sentence. My English teacher would be in tears. But I'm a rebel. So I can write long sentences. ;D

*Sigh. Hepplethwaite just doesn't give up. Nope, off the table he goes, into disgrace and the sunset, uh, sunrise. Hom, dum, dom. Very sad. Very disappointing.

A solitary zombie flees and is cut down by free hack.

And Pestulent cleaves both wounds from the beastman.

"Its the final countdoooooown..." Yep, two turns to go.

The last great big fight where no one gets killed. :(

However both a beastman and Pestulent get a wound.

So, I granted victory to Nurgle, but barely. I have always favoured Slannesh over Nurgle but today was a disgrace! Poor Hepplethwaite has Pestigorophobia!

Aah, good times, good times.

Good thing to wake up to. Now I am off to maybe play another game (against myself-- because I must thoroughly test out the scenarios before I invite some friend over). This game wasn't a proper or serious game. It was just a "friendly"game against myself. Sounds terribly lonely, but that's SA for you. Not thaaaat many hobbyists here and even fewer interested in oldhammer... Very sad.

Hmm, maybe I should write a scenario for these forces. Maybe, maybe.

The End.

Goodbye. :D And good morning!

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