Wednesday 18 November 2015


Now lets get down to business.

I spent an hour or two speed painting up one of my chaos ogres for my slanneshi warband and he's ugly as fornication under consent of the king.
But hey, that's why I like him. All in all I really enjoyed painting up this one and he makes a nice centerpiece for my slowly growing warband.

Next up is my standard bearer. This one was a bit of an experiment. I base coated the whole model yellow and then splashed on some elf flesh skin colour thingy all over the body and the heads at the top. Then I just washed different parts of the model in different colours and inked the things I wanted darker (the standard and this chappies loin cloth) in some nice dark ink. Tadaa! He is magnificent! Well, not really but he is acceptable (tableworthy). He also adds some crazy colour to my warband. :)

And here are some brave vagabonds waiting to defend the world from the evil slanneshi monsters. Wish them all luck!
They need it.

And inspired by the crazy washing mania I have decided to try it out on two more bestigors. They shall be fantabulous. Although there are doubters out there, and haters, and bullies shattering any progress I make, I shall prevail! Perhaps.

And last of all, a group of road wardens. Very innocent. They are WIP and so will be completed any day now. Aaaany day now?!

 I realize as I write this, that, looking back, I do not write very seriously. This is not good, nor bad. It just is. Hmm, the excuse is I get carried away and start blurting out nonsense. Oh, and did you know? I hate not being able to stick to one project! I hate it so much that I want to superglue orcs to my fingers and then gs them on more for extra stickiness! Whew.
As I was saying... I feel I am somewhat inconsistent. Because now I have found a wargaming group near me but they only play bolt action. *sigh. Well, I shall have to tackle that when it comes. I am not going to go out and buy a whole load now, oh no. Of that I can be sure. I spent it all on oldhammerish stuff and lotr!

Good for me.

Goodbye, (turns around and walks out the door. Turns around again, raising his eyebrows and then saying coldly, in a matter of factly manner) :


1 comment:

  1. Trololol. Take the first letters of "fornication under consent of the King" but leave the "of and the" out, and you'll get my meaning. ;D

    Although the levels of ugliness depend on who is fornicating? don't you think? Certainly if it was the ogre it would be VERY ugly!
